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Telltale Signs of Drug Addiction in Young Adults

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While pretty much any drug can be abused, there are substances that come with a higher chance of addiction and dependency than others. It is important that parents are able to identify the signs of drug addiction early on. This way, an intervention can take place before addiction starts to take hold.

Substance abuse usually starts with experimental substance use in social settings. In the United States, substance abuse is widespread among young adults.

According to 2013-2015 data, more than sixty percent of people ages 12 and older used alcohol the prior years. Also, more than 17 percent used illegal drugs.

The longer a person uses a drug, the harder it will be to stop using without experiencing cravings and symptoms of withdrawal. The sooner you recognize the signs of drug addiction, the sooner you can intervene and help the individual get well.

So keep on reading and we’ll take you through the telltale signs of drug addiction in young adults that you need to know about.

General Signs of Drug Addiction

If a person is abusing any substance, there are some general signs that you should look for. These signs include:

  • Defensive when asked about drug use
  • Pale skin tone, bloodshot eyes, and appearing run down or exhausted
  • Changes in appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Problems with managing money, such as not paying bills on time
  • Requesting to borrow money or spending more money than normal
  • A noticeable loss of energy when performing regular tasks
  • Noticeable changes in relationships
  • Different behavior, such as a bigger desire for privacy
  • Changes in physical appearances, such as wearing dirty or inappropriate clothes and a lack of care for grooming and hygiene
  • Poor work performance, receiving poor performance reviews, appearing tired and disinterested in work duties, being chronically late to work
  • Problems at school, lack of interest in school activities, and lower grades

Adolescents and teens are expected to exhibit overall moodiness. However, drug abuse is signified by bigger changes in behaviors or mood in this age group. Signs of drug use in young adults include acting hostile, depressed, tired, and withdrawn.

Adults should pay attention when a child starts to associate with a different group of kids, as changes in friend groups might be linked with drug use. A young adult who uses drugs may also skip school, miss classes, or change their sleeping and eating habits. Parents can also listen for their kids using slang terms to describe certain illegal substances.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the United States. Both alcoholism and alcohol abuse comes with a variety of symptoms and signs.

“Functional alcoholics” might be able to minimize or hide these signs for a bit. But, over time, it will become more and more difficult to hide the problem.

Alcohol abuse can cause memory loss and blackouts. A person might have broken capillaries and flushed skin, especially on the face. The voice might take on a deeper tone and the hands might tremble.

Long-term abuse can lead to the person vomiting blood.

Other typical signs of alcohol addiction include:

  • Drinking to improve mood, to sleep, to relax, and to cope with problems
  • A propensity to argue with friends and family members
  • Mood swings, irritability, and depression
  • Continuing to consume alcohol despite psychological, physical, and interpersonal problems related to it
  • Preference to drink during inappropriate times, in secret, or alone
  • Lack of control over how much one drinks

A person who becomes addicted to alcohol will likely experience withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop. These symptoms will only become more severe the longer they take to quit the substance.

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana can induce feelings of euphoria in the user. The drug can also cause heightened auditory and visual perceptions. However, the user can also become forgetful and uncoordinated.

Because marijuana has been known to increase a person’s appetite, users tend to eat more than normal. Reactions might be delayed and the user might also become suspicious and paranoid.

A person who recently smoked marijuana will usually have a mellow or relaxed demeanor, droopy eyelids, and bloodshot eyes.

Signs of Stimulant Addiction

A person who is on a stimulant might exhibit rambling or rapid speech, aggression, and frequent behavior changes. This person might display dilated pupils, a fast breathing rate, and increased energy.

In some instances, they might become hostile or paranoid. If a person snorts the drug, then they will likely show signs of nasal congestion.

Snorting drugs can damage the mucous membrane in the nose.

Signs of Opioid Addiction

Opioids include illegal drugs like heroin and prescription painkillers, like OxyContin and Vicodin. Signs of opioid addiction include:

  • mood swings
  • lethargy
  • slow reaction times
  • difficulty concentrating
  • memory problems
  • overall sedation

Because opioids can slow the digestive system, users will usually experience constipation and other intestinal problems. When they stop using the drug, they will likely become anxious and display flulike symptoms.

The Importance of Knowing the Telltale Signs of Drug Addiction in Young Adults

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a better idea of what the signs of drug addiction are. If someone you know is addicted to drugs, then it’s important that you get the proper treatment as soon as possible. The longer a person does drugs, the more dependent they will become.

Are you looking for high-quality drug rehabilitation centers in New Jersey? If so, then contact us today and see what we can do for you.

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