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Could An Alcohol Intervention Break The Cycle Of Denial?

Written By:

Brian Chasin

people looking concerned over a drink of alcohol

Alcohol intervention is a difficult step to take. It is always heartbreaking to watch your loved one struggling with an addiction to alcohol. And, when that person denies he or she has a problem, it can be even harder. It is often extremely difficult to persuade an alcoholic to recognize he or she does have a problem. However, an intervention could be the perfect solution to breaking the ongoing cycle of denial.

Alcohol Intervention When Their “Drinking is Under Control”

Typically, those who are in denial insist that they have their drinking under control and can stop whenever they choose. They sometimes qualify their drinking by saying that their lives have driven them to drink. They even exclude their concerned friends and family members, telling them to mind their own business.

An alcoholic is aware of his or her drinking is getting out of control. He or she may resist change because there are underlying reasons why he or she drinks. Sometimes an alcoholic quits drinking completely for a little while, however, they never address the underlining issues. This is the original reason he or she began drinking in the first place. Thus, a person usually relapses or finds another addiction to replace it.

Of course, there is one more reason why so many alcoholics are in denial. Nobody ever enjoys admitting there is something wrong and they have made mistakes in their lives. Furthermore, asking for support and help is difficult at the best of times. Asking for loved ones to assist with overcoming an addiction to alcohol usually doesn’t happen.  Denying there is an alcohol problem is often the first reaction encountered by many families who confront their loved ones. Usually, a loved one seeks alcohol interventions because they see how the addiction is affecting everyone.

Why Is Alcoholic Denial Such A Problem?

Nobody makes the decision to be an alcoholic. Usually, it begins with just one or two drinks. And, over time, it eventually develops into full-blown alcohol abuse. Sometimes, the whole process takes place so slowly, the alcoholic doesn’t even realize how bad the problem truly is. It’s also hard to encourage an alcohol intervention because he or she holds onto the belief that he or she is different from drug addicts.

Often, the alcoholic fails to see that alcohol can be as dangerous as other drugs, if not more so. Unfortunately, alcohol is socially acceptable, legal, and often seen as a popular way of relieving stress. Many alcoholics manage to stay in their jobs and function on a day-to-day level. This makes it simpler for those who abuse alcohol to deny that what they are doing is causing a problem. We at SOBA recommended that if you think you have a drinking problem you should consider attending an AA meeting. In a meeting, a loved one may realize they are not alone and help is available.

Alcoholism Denial On A Wider Scale

It surprises many people that alcoholics still carry on drinking even when they need a center like drug rehabs in New Jersey. Many are well aware of the links between their alcohol problem and all the losses they’ve suffered. But, the fact is that denial forms a key element of alcoholism. It is also a serious obstacle in the way of a successful recovery. Not every alcoholic is in denial to the same degree, however. In some cases, his or her denial may even carry over to their family and friends.

They then become convinced their loved one’s problem isn’t alcoholism at all but something else — may be poor health, depression, bad temper or some other issue. However, these days, medical professionals are helping people to realize that alcoholism is really a disease instead of a moral failing or lack of willpower. This means that, hopefully, people will start to get help as soon as they need it and before the consequences become irreversible.

Alcohol Intervention Addressing Denial And Codependency

Many people ask us “How to hold an intervention for an alcoholic.” The reason being is that is usually the loved ones that know there is a problem. However, many times there is a codependency bond that forms. Often, those who are close to the alcoholic and who are affected by his or her denial begin to act to protect him. They find ways to excuse him or her from the consequences of their behavior. Although this behavior is usually motivated by concern and love, it is called enabling or codependency. It allows the alcoholic to carry on with his or her drinking, which causes symptoms to worsen.

Eventually, the consequences will worsen for everybody involved. Enabling and denial are key symptoms of an alcohol problem. Enabling is displayed by those around the alcoholic rather than the addict, and it is something that is best addressed by a professional. Overcoming enabling and denial is a vital initial step in treating an alcoholic.

Persuading An Addict To Get An Alcohol Intervention

TV programs and movies have given the impression that families should be responsible for hosting alcohol interventions. The simplistic view that the media show is all families need to do is get together and have a good long conversation about the problem. Unfortunately, interventions are never that easy, especially in the case of alcohol abuse.

Alcoholics are usually able to make incredibly good arguments for their cases. They can explain why their drinking isn’t really a problem. This can end up in a DIY-style intervention turning into a serious argument that family members will almost certainly lose. When an alcoholic is still in denial, family members automatically have a disadvantage since all facts that fail to support the alcoholic’s own viewpoint will just be brushed off.

In the movies, the alcoholic is boldly confronted by his loved ones with the consequences and facts of his or her addiction. Here they usually will immediately recognize his or her need for help. Unfortunately, in real life, this almost never happens. Actually, the result is most likely to be the complete opposite. Alcoholics usually refuse to attend an addiction treatment center like our drug rehabs New Jersey facility. It could cause a defensive response and even more denial. It is for this reason that a DIY-style intervention is rarely a good idea. And, in cases of severe alcoholism, help from a professional is the best course of action.

Holding A Professional Alcohol Intervention

It takes proper training and expertise to break through the cycle of denial when dealing with alcoholics. The best way to do this is to seek help from a qualified interventionist. Instead of taking the responsibility of hosting an intervention then dealing with all the inevitable fallout when it goes wrong, families would be better off asking a professional to apply his or her expert knowledge to the situation.

An alcohol intervention should be held by a third-party individual who is entirely neutral. This way family members are able to fully focus on their own roles in their loved one’s recovery. They will know how to offer their support and love to their loved ones. An expert doesn’t just lead the intervention. He or she also works closely with friends and family members. He or she aids them in the preparation process and helps them learn:

  • the best ways to offer support
  • roles of family members and loved ones
  • what to do so your not enabling
  • how to hold firm throughout the intervention
  • dealing with the addict while in treatment
  • the role of aftercare in the recovery process

Alcohol Intervention and Addiction Help is Available

Here at SOBA New Jersey’s Addiction Treatment Center, our team of highly trained experts is on hand to offer those struggling with addiction and their families all the help and support they could possibly need for the best chance of long-term recovery. If you have a loved one who is in denial about an alcohol problem, contact our support team today. Our specialists can answer your questions, offer you advice, and help to address your codependency issues so the cycle of denial can be broken. This will allow your loved one to enter our detox centers in NJ and have the best possible chance of enjoying a long and sober life.

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