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Are There Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs in New Jersey

Written By:

Brian Chasin

a group offering support to one another

There are many options for substance abuse treatment for inpatient alcohol rehab programs in New Jersey. The heroin epidemic is taking more than 200 lives per day. Many of these not seeking treatment for various reasons. Some do not have insurance, while others simply are not ready for help. Reaching out for rehabilitation is one of the most difficult steps to take. Addiction has a firm grasp and is controlling the actions of individuals.

Inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers have programs for families, as well as the alcoholic. Research has shown families play an important role in the lives of their family members. This is especially true if they are fighting alcoholism. Inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers and outpatient drug rehabs in New Jersey offer therapy and activities to teach the family how to best help the addict.

Also, there are family therapy services in inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers. Family members use therapy to figure out what aspects of their relationship with the addict they need to work on. Families that agree to receive counseling help the addict avoid relationships or dynamics that might trigger a relapse.

Americans have a love affair with alcohol. The National Institutes of Health reported 86 percent of Americans have had a drink at some point in their lives. Fifty-six percent of Americans drank alcohol last month. More than 65 million American adults and teens reported they have engaged in binge drinking in the last year alone. That represents more than a third of the population.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Numbers on Drug Addiction

This love affair with alcohol isn’t responsible for alcohol abuse and addiction, but it doesn’t help. Alcohol abuse leads to problems for the person who drinks too much. In addition, it affects his or her family. Research done by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has estimated 15 million Americans are addicted to alcohol. This figure doesn’t represent nearly three-quarters of a million teenagers under the age of 18 who also abuse alcohol. The United States? a love affair with alcohol costs the country $250 billion in lost work time and wages. In addition, nearly 90,000 people die each year from alcohol abuse in the United States.

Alcohol ranks behind tobacco use and high blood pressure in the causes of death that people can avoid. This means more people die from alcohol abuse than diabetes.  Are you worried about your alcoholic son or daughter? We can help. We have information on alcoholism and alcohol abuse. We also can give you information on inpatient programs in New Jersey. We can help you find an inpatient alcohol treatment center that’s perfect for your family and your loved one.

Is There a Difference Between Abuse and Addiction?

Many young adults face substance abuse issues and need inpatient alcohol rehab programs in New Jersey. The New Jersey Department of Health said one-third of young adults have admitted to binge drinking within the last month. This could signal a problem with alcohol use. New Jersey does have a lower rate of alcohol abuse compared with other states. However, the Department of Health is concerned about the rising rates of alcohol use in high school students. In addition, there’s a rise in alcoholics seeking inpatient treatment because their addictions are so severe.

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if someone is abusing alcohol or is addicted to it. The National Institutes of Health released guidelines to help parents make that determination. If your family member is drinking at regular intervals, this may signal a problem with alcohol. For example, your daughter may drink heavily at night when everyone else is asleep. If your daughter increases her frequency of use, however, it could signal a problem. It may mean she’s moving from alcohol abuse to addiction. You might also notice your son or daughter cannot stop drinking even if he or she wants to. If your son or daughter tries to stop drinking, he or she may have withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol include chills, body aches, nausea, vomiting, and shaking. These symptoms act as a signal your young adult’s body is dependent on alcohol.

If you notice any of these signs of alcohol addiction in your daughter or son, he or she needs help. What kind of help? Let’s look at an example. Your child’s alcohol addiction is mild, and he or she can stop drinking without having withdrawal symptoms. In this case, he or she may qualify for outpatient treatment. However, if your son or daughter experiences withdrawal symptoms, he or she may need help at our inpatient treatment facility. Here’s some information about inpatient programs in New Jersey for alcohol treatment.

What is Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation?

There are several inpatient rehabilitation programs available for young adults who are addicted to alcohol. Residential rehab programs, unlike intensive outpatient drug rehabs in New Jersey, offer a place for people to stay while they receive intensive treatment. A person may stay 30, 60, or 90 days. It depends on his or her needs and level of addiction. The average stay for most clients in alcohol treatment programs in New Jersey is 30 days. However, the treatment time can change. It depends on how severely the person is addicted.

Patients who have been through alcohol treatment before may also need to stay longer for treatment. In addition, if your young adult has a mental health issue, that could also be a factor. He or she may need to stay in inpatient rehabilitation longer to receive treatment. In that case, the center would treat addiction and mental illness.

All inpatient alcohol treatment centers in New Jersey are different. Some are simple in their designs and focus on treatment and community. Clients in alcohol rehab may share a room. They eat meals in a cafeteria setting much like in high school or college. There are other types of centers in New Jersey that look like spas. These centers focus on holistic treatment. They have private rooms, gourmet meals, and a spa or gym as part of an overall therapeutic program.

Questions for Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers in New Jersey

Choosing an inpatient alcohol rehab program in New Jersey isn’t easy. However, there are some questions you can ask each treatment center you call or visit. These can help you to decide which alcohol treatment centers might be the best place for your son or daughter. First, be sure the center you are looking at specializes in treatment for alcoholism. Many times detoxification is the first step. Finding alcohol detox rehabs in New Jersey and across the US is difficult. Finding the correct treatment for your individual needs can be daunting. Also, ask what types of therapies the center uses. Each treatment center is different, and you’ll want to find the treatment that best fits your loved one.

There are also questions you will need to ask about the center and its before and aftercare programs. If your loved one needs detox, is it available in the center? What will happen to your son or daughter after he or she receives treatment? Will there be a sober living house or a day program for aftercare? Or will the program place him or her into a different option, such as a residential step-down program?

Licensing and credentialing are also important. New Jersey requires each treatment center to have a license from the state. There are credentialing programs available from national accreditation agencies as well. So, now, you have the answers to your general questions about alcohol treatment centers. It’s time to ask about payment and insurance options. Many alcohol treatment centers offer payment plans and other forms of payment options for families.

Are You looking for Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs in New Jersey?

After reading this article, you may be thinking about beginning the process of getting treatment for a family member. If you’re looking for an inpatient alcohol treatment center to help someone you love, you should look at us. SOBA is one of the top programs for alcohol rehabilitation and offers both inpatient and outpatient care.

SOBA has many programs for young adults and their families ranging from detox to intensive outpatient with their facilities. We not only want to treat young adults struggling with alcohol, but we also want to help the family. We believe that family members play a crucial role in an alcoholic’s recovery process. It is far easier to undergo treatment for alcoholism when you don’t have to do it alone. Families and friends of alcoholics can offer them moral support and encouragement long after their treatment program ends.

Perhaps, our most successful programs are those for college students, including students struggling with alcohol addiction. We designed our College Recovery Addiction Treatment Center to meet the needs of young adults in college. The program of treatment varies according to the needs of young adults who want help with their alcohol addictions. We can let you know the best treatment plan for your son or daughter.

SOBA College Provides Individualized Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

SOBA has a team of professionals who are experienced in the treatment of alcohol addiction. We are able to offer individualized programs at our center for your young adult and his or her needs. It doesn’t matter what his or her level of addiction to alcohol is, we can help.

One important aspect of SOBA is we also treat the underlying issues that may make recovery from addiction difficult. Research has shown a comprehensive, tailored treatment plan for alcoholism is more successful for patients. Parents are able to watch their young adults achieve and maintain sobriety from alcohol. At SOBA, we work hard every day to be the best thing to happen to your family.

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