How to Stay on Track with Your Recovery Journey

The summertime is a great opportunity to enjoy some fun in the sun and relax with friends and family. However, for those in recovery from substance use, it can also be a time when old habits and temptations come creeping back. Here are some tips to help you avoid a summer relapse.

#1: Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Just because you’re on vacation or spending time with loved ones doesn’t mean you can let your guard down regarding your recovery. Be sure to stay vigilant and don’t put yourself in situations where you might be tempted to use drugs or alcohol.

#2: Create a Support System

If you’re traveling or spending time away from your usual support system, seek out others who can help you stay on track with your recovery. This might include finding a local sober meet-up group or connecting with a sponsor or therapist in the area.

#3: Avoid Risky Situations

Just like you should avoid people and places that might trigger your substance use, you should also avoid any other risky behaviors that could sabotage your recovery. This might include staying out late, going to bars, or engaging in other activities.

#4: Make Self-Care a Priority

It’s important to make time for yourself and to do things that help you relax and rejuvenate. This could include exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature.

#5: Have an Exit Plan

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re feeling triggered or tempted to use, it’s important to have an exit plan. For example, you may excuse yourself from the situation, call a friend or sponsor, or leave the area altogether.

#6: Find New Hobbies and Activities

One of the best ways to avoid relapse is to fill your time with healthy, sober activities. This might include starting a new hobby, going on hikes or nature walks, attending sober events and gatherings, or taking up a new sport or fitness activity.

#7: Seek Help If You Need It

If you find yourself struggling to stay sober this summer, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Many resources are available to those in recovery, so please don’t hesitate to seek the support you need. Therapists, sponsors, or even caring loved ones who have an interest in your recovery goals are all a great option.

#8: Make a Firm Commitment to Your Sobriety

There’s nothing as strong as someone who has firmly decided to stay sober. Make a commitment to yourself and your recovery journey, and know that you have the strength and determination to make it through anything coming your way.

#9: Forgive Yourself If You Do Relapse

If you do happen to relapse, it’s important to forgive yourself and not let it derail your entire recovery journey. Just pick yourself up and start again, knowing you’re stronger than your addiction. You’ve got this, and we really do believe in you!

Wrap Up: Summer Sobriety Tips

The summertime can be a great opportunity to enjoy some fun in the sun and relax with friends and family. However, for those in recovery from substance use, it can also be a time when old habits and temptations come creeping back. Following the tips above, you can avoid a summer relapse and stay on track with your recovery journey.

At our drug rehab in New Jersey, we understand how difficult it can be to stay sober during the summer months. Our team of caring and experienced addiction professionals is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you or a loved one achieve sobriety.